Book an appointment now for a free 20 minute discovery call!

All packages include weekly 1:1 coaching, daily support via a messaging app, & bi-weekly group support.

Choose a coaching plan

You’ve tried to go at it alone, each day…

saying to yourself, "I'm not going to do it today."

Whatever it is — drinking, using drugs, spending money you don't have, having sex with a stranger, dating the wrong men or women over and over again, engaging in online porn, and the list goes on & on.

Whatever you are trying to change, but cannot, this service is for you! 

I will help you transform the life that you are currently living into the one that has freedom.  I will help you get clear about your goals, move in a positive direction, decrease negative habits that you are struggling to decrease on your own and get the support that you need, to achieve the life you want. 

This is more than just meeting with me once a week for an hour, this is having the support that you need, day to day, to achieve your goals.  You will receive daily interaction with me through an app, and get in the moment, real time support. As well as weekly coaching groups with people who are struggling with the same problems and an hour long individual session with me.

Coaching services are available internationally.

Intensive coaching is recommended for the beginning stages of addiction recovery, as this new phase of life is an extremely challenging and fragile time. It typically requires a higher level of support in order to begin the process of rewiring the automatic responses that have lead to addiction. This is why each coaching package gives you daily access to support via a messaging app, weekly 1:1 coaching, and bi-weekly group support!

Individual coaching sessions are available as needed, for a variety of different life problems or prior to fully jumping into intensive counseling.

Through continuous and long term coaching, we can address the underlying conditions that have entangled us into our addictions. Long term coaching can assist in identifying, acknowledging & processing irrational beliefs, unresolved trauma, relational difficulties, financial concerns, and/or any other destructive behavioral patterns. This is a paramount to long term recovery and without trained support, can leave us with blind-spots that are still operating through unconscious impulses. 

Having a coach is an important part of healing & recovery, yet is also highly benefited by your agreement & commitment to allowing your coach to give you the, often times, humbling feedback needed to successfully overcome the places you are unable to see. 

The subconscious is responsible for many of our reactive, impulsive and addictive tendencies. Because of this, one of our main goals in recovery coaching is to uncover the places we cannot see. This is why it is so imperative to have an experienced coach that can assist you into the life that is waiting for you on the other side! 

I look forward to meeting you and helping you to achieve the life of your dreams!


1 Month Intensive Coaching Package

In this one month intensive coaching package you will recieve two daily calls once in the morning & once in the evening. 24 hours of access to your coach as needed for the first 30 days. And with a 60 minute 1:1 coaching session each week, this is an incredible value! You will also recieve access to weekly group sessions during the month. If you carefully follow the direction given, you can become free of alcohol and other addictions too!

3 Month Coaching Package

Take the first step towards change with a three month coaching package! The first three months are typically the most challenging & often require intensive support to pass through the first gateways to freedom.

6 Month Coaching Package

Long term recovery requires a delicate process of pealing back a multitude of different layers which have accumulated over years of repressing various emotions through addictive outlets. Investing 6 months to your health & future will certainly create a positive ripple in your life & help you to attain the goals you desire.

9 month Coaching Package

Long term recovery from addiction is a continuous and on going process that requires regular maintenance & experienced support. Investing 9 months of your life to personal growth is the greatest gift you could give to yourself or a loved one who is trapped in the cycles of hardship & addiction.