Classes & Groups

Classes & Groups

  • DIY Class - Freedom from Alcohol

    This is an at home Do It Yourself class to achieve Freedom from Alcohol. This is a self paced class designed for you to do in the comfort of your own space.

    This class includes 6 prerecorded teaching modules that build upon the others to support someone who is trying to be alcohol free on their own.

    1). You will discover what blocks you from achieving an alcohol free life.

    2). Discover if you really have a drinking problem and how bad is it?

    3.) Learn how to get through the initial part of not drinking-what those signs are and how to support yourself.

    4). Learn how to regulate your emotional life without the use of alcohol.

    5). Learn to set & maintain healthy boundaries.

    6). Learn & develop healthy communication skills.

    7). Implement empowering habits into your daily life to achieve health & freedom from alcohol.

  • Group Coaching - Complete Relapse Prevention

    This Group will meet weekly for 90 minutes for 3 months.

    This group is meant for people who are ready to quit and want to Recover once and for all.

    You will learn the root cause of ALL Addictions

    You will process through how the root cause has shown up in your own life.

    You will process through your past so that you can be completely free.

    You will be given the specific instructions on how to continue this process on your own.

    Book a free 20 minute call to see if you are right for this group.


  • Tuesday and Thursday Groups

    Group Times:

    Tuesday at 11am Eastern

    Tuesday at 7pm Eastern for 1 hour.

    Thursday at 9am Eastern

    It’s a drop in group, so you don’t have to come to every group. You can drop in whenever you need additional support.

    Groups are included in the monthly coaching packages and for aftercare support. They are a valuable aspect of the recovery process. 

    Meeting with other people who share similar challenges, fostering human connection, sharing openly, and moving forward together is a powerful & essential part of healing. 

    It gives you the opportunity to support & be supported by peers, share what you are learning and build recovery partnerships beyond your coach.

    We will be covering the following topics - Activating Events, Upper Limits, Getting around the Ego, nEmotional Regulation Skills, Limiting Beliefs, Boundaries, Goal Setting, Manifestation, and much much more.