Specializing in Addiction Recovery

Tamara has been sober for over a decade and has been building a life of purpose, fulfillment and stability ever since she reached the final turning point, and began her journey into recovery.

Through her own process of recovery and working with thousands of people, both clinically and personally, she has gained a broad spectrum of experience with both substance & process addictions.

She has dedicated herself to her career & life purpose by expanding her practical knowledge with clinical training, research and education. She utilizes EFT techniques with her clients to assist them in managing high intensity states. EFT techniques use tapping to help to relax the nervous system, decrease visceral sensations, panic, overwhelm, and other psychological responses to challenging or traumatic experiences.

She is a licensed and internationally certified Addictions Therapist who has worked with thousands of individuals in all stages of recovery from a variety of different addictions. She practices as a trauma informed therapist with an understanding of the best ways to approach her clients.

Tamara lives in Phoenix, Arizona and enjoys a fulfilling career and an emotionally sober life. In her free time she enjoys hiking, biking, creating new friendships, serving her community and living a purposeful life.

Her greatest gift gained through recovery is the restoration of her relationship with her daughter. In the early years of her daughter's life, Tamara was captivated by  addiction and unprocessed trauma which dis-empowered her ability to show up as the mother she always hoped to be. Through continuous sobriety and intensive healing in recovery, this relationship has blossomed into the mother-daughter connection she had always imagined. 

Today, she has a host of meaningful and connected relationships that continue to grow healthier & healthier as she dives into deeper layers through her recovery journey.

Meet Tamara

Discover who you are




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Receive gentle guidance

With an experienced Addictions Counselor you can trust.

With over a decade of professional experience in the field of addiction, Tamara has mastered the delicate dance of knowing how and when to deliver the most beneficial information & suggestions to her clients. She practices as a trauma informed therapist which gives her the ability to support her clients through all stages of their journey through recovery.


“I would highly recommend Tamara for anyone needing professional help with addiction. I was fortunate to have had her as a coach/ counselor in my “Soberful Women” program. I also have had several one-on-one therapy sessions with her. She is very good at listening and asking the right questions to help you sort out your thoughts and feelings. She is open and honest with her story of recovery which makes her so easy to talk with. Tamara is a skilled professional, but she also feels like a friend who you can trust. She is well respected with all of us who have worked with her as a client. Tamara has also gone out of her way to check in on me when she didn’t have the obligation to. She just may have saved my life! I am very thankful that I was lucky enough to get the professional help I needed. Although I am a work in progress, Tamara has been instrumental in helping me with my addiction recovery.”


“I am so grateful to have your help and guidance with my sobriety and emotional well being over the past year. I felt a trusted connection with you from the very beginning. You were compassionate yet firm. You listened and heard what I was saying and translated so I could understand and see my truth. Recently we worked together using EFT. This has been such a great tool for me to use. Using it to bring down anxiety in times of overwhelm is so helpful, but tapping has benefited me the most in writing the life story I want to have. Those doors are opening. I am worthy.”

Coaching Packages

Intensive coaching is recommended for the beginning stages of addiction recovery, as this new phase of life is an extremely challenging and fragile time. It typically requires a higher level of support in order to begin the process of rewiring the automatic responses that have lead to addiction. This is why each coaching package gives you daily access to support via a messaging app, weekly 1:1 coaching, and bi-monthly group coaching!

Individual coaching sessions are available as needed, for a variety of different life problems or prior to fully jumping in to intensive counseling.

Through continuous and long term coaching, we can address the underlying conditions that have entangled us into our addictions. Long term coaching can assist in identifying, acknowledging & processing irrational beliefs, unresolved trauma, relational difficulties, financial concerns, and/or any other destructive behavioral patterns. This is a paramount to long term recovery and without trained support, can leave us with blind-spots that are still operating through unconscious impulses. 

Having a coach is an important part of healing & recovery, yet is also highly benefited by your agreement & commitment to allowing your coach to give you the, often times, humbling feedback needed to successfully overcome the places you are unable to see. 

The subconscious is responsible for many of our reactive, impulsive and addictive tendencies. Because of this, one of our main goals in recovery coaching is to uncover the places we cannot see. This is why it is so imperative to have an experienced coach that can assist you into the life that is waiting for you on the other side! 

I look forward to meeting you and helping you to achieve the life of your dreams!


Monthly Coaching Packages

Long term investments into your health and wellness can change your life in incredible ways. The benefits of ongoing recovery are immense. Addiction is no easy feat and going at it alone can mean running in circles for days, months and years. Get help now, from an experienced addictions counselor.

Explore our virtual classes or group coaching programs

Explore self paced classes or group coaching programs

There is something truly amazing about sharing together through group coaching. Listening to the challenges of one another can help us not to feel alone in what we are experiencing. Such a major part of suffering is feeling alone without support & companionship. We can be uniquely beneficial to others by also sharing, together, how we are overcoming the challenges we face. We can share the tools that we are learning & applying in our daily lives, as well as, receive guidance from Tamara.

Make space for yourself